Strategy and Implementation Summary

Innovattio focus on the following six technographical market segments:

1. Large corporations.
The most important market segment consists of the large manufacturers, technology providers, suppliers, trading houses, turnkey contractors, developers, utilities, banking and financing institutions, mining, consulting, and engineering industries. These companies will be interacting with Innovattio for development functions that are more effective when spun off than when managed in-house.

2. Medium-sized growth companies.
For high-growth fields, such as software and multimedia, Innovattio will offer an attractive development alternative that will allow the company to address opportunities in new market segments.

3. Regional (Provincial) Government Office.
In line with the launching of the new Regional Autonomy Law in Indonesia, Innovattio will offer innovative assistance in export facilitation and investment promotion.

4. Small businesses owners.

5. Individual customers.
Influential people such as boards of directors, marketing managers, general managers, sales managers, and government officials.

Competitive Edge

Innovattio has close and effective relationships with its end-users, vendors (suppliers and sub-contractors), and even competitors. On several occasions, Innovattio has teamed-up with its end-user or supplier in a consortium partnership to perform projects. Innovattio combines unparalleled quality with a cost-effective package to create a consulting service with many competitive advantages. The seasoned management is qualified for multiple services, such as: business development, market development, market intelligence, industrial sectors analysis, and channel development. We provide this range of services to anyone from a high-level marketing firm to a home-based business owner; clients can always count on quick, accurate services from the company.

Sales Strategy

Innovattio' strategy focuses first on maintaining the identity of the high-end buyer who appreciates quality service, but is also very demanding regarding value creations. Innovattio has been able to find these customers using a combination of social and interactive email relationships. Furthermore, as a part of its "individual sales strategy," to ensure optimum client satisfaction, Innovattio customizes its services for each specific client. This approach is called "individual sales strategy" because customization permits clients to participate in producing exactly what they want. Even when a business offers a standard service, it is not making a standard sales offer. The customer is able to choose a tailored offering mix of elements, such as optional services benefits, delivery conditions, training, financing alternatives, technical services options, sales assistance options, etc.